John Bryan

How they pick porn names; a challenge to Mr. Jeremy

is based on the following two questions:
what was your first pet's name and
what was the first street you can remember living in

my name is Sadie Green
& maybe I could do some
trans gender stuff

thought his initials may
have come from a famous
Shakespeare play

for what person would name a dog Ron ?

the maze

from my 2nd floor balcony
i chuck empty packets of
Winfield Reds onto
the pavement below
have now thrown enough
to spell out my autograph
but walking amidst people find
i am the guy they cannot name

John Bryan has been published in various journals such as: Unlikely Stories, Taint Magazine, The Quill & Ink, Retort Magazine, 3AM Magazine, River King Poetry Supplement, Locust Magazine, GetUnderground and Ink Magazine to name a few.


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